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  • Surge Protection Device

XPD Parafudrları

XPD Surge Arresters are devices that provide protection against over voltages in electrical systems. It is often referred to as a "surge protector". X Koren Electric Surge Arresters prevent damage to electrical equipment and devices by activating in cases such as lightning strikes, sudden voltage spikes and other electrical anomalies. X Koren Surge Arrester is available in 4 different types as B, BC, C and D type depending on IEC EN 61643-11 standards and application areas. 

Technical Specifications: 

Number of Poles: 1P, 2P, 3P, 4P 
Voltage Protection Level: 0.9kW-1.4kW-2.5kW 
Rated Current: 20kA, 40kA, 50kA, 100kA 
Lightning Impulse Current: 12.5kA-50kA 
B type, BC type, C type, D type 
Replaceable cartridge